The OU Dependent Child Tuition Waiver, or DCTW, Program enhances tuition assistance options by providing a full resident tuition waiver for full-time undergraduate students who are children of employees.
Complete details, including the benefits, eligibility criteria, and the application process can be found here.
If you previously attended OU Norman and have a scholarship or waiver that you believe may transfer, please see the instructions to complete the necessary Transfer Form.
For information on institutional scholarships, contact your college's Student Affairs office.
Sooner Heritage Scholarship applications for 2024-2025 are now closed.
All students apply by completing the FAFSA. Eligible students will be considered each year as long as they remain in good academic standing. Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis and typically exhausted by January 1.
Full-time University of Oklahoma employees at any OU campus who are enrolled in supported programs are eligible for a benefit that waives partial tuition and several fees.
Please visit here for more details.
Graduate and undergraduate applicants must have demonstrated financial need due to a family member who is afflicted with a neurological disease or disorder. Applicants apply with information regarding how the illness has affected the student financially.
Applications are managed through the OU-Norman Scholarship Office. The application opens on October 1, with all applications due by February 1. Students can apply here after October 1st.
The Physicians Manpower Training Commission's mission is to enhance medical care in rural and underserved areas by administering scholarship incentive programs for medical and nursing personnel. For application and deadline information that is specific to medical students, interns, and residents, to nursing students, and to physician assistant students, please visit or call 405/843-5667.
**Medical student scholarship applications are currently being accepted for students intending to practice in the area of Primary Care (specifically Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Ob/Gyn, General Internal Medicine, and Emergency Medicine) in communities outside the Oklahoma City or Tulsa metropolitan statistical areas. Funding is $15,000 per year, tax free.**
The Tulsa County Medical Society Foundation invites scholarship applications from students in good standing in their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th years at the OUHSC School of Community Medicine-Tulsa.
Please contact, OU-Tulsa Student Affairs Office, 1C76, 4502 East 41st Street, Tulsa, OK 74135, 918/660-3105 for scholarship application and deadline information.
An overview of the program can be view through Physician Manpower Training Commission (PMTC). To apply or view additional information please visit Nursing Student Assistance Program.
Applications for scholarships from NHSC are now available. To request a NHSC scholarship application please visit their web site, National Health Service Corps (NHSC).
There are many scholarship opportunities available. The list below details just a few of the many places to start when searching for scholarship funds.
Resources for students identified as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) are listed below.
Air Force