Training Information

Financial Services provides up-to-date campus-wide training on the PeopleSoft Financials application.   This training is geared towards all end-users of the application.

Please note any security access to the financials system will not be granted until all required classes have been taken.

All pre-recorded trainings are available on the Library Tab of the OnPoint LMS system at or

Security Form for both PeopleSoft Financial and Concur can be found at:

Training Manuals

OU Job Aid - Approvals

OU Job Aid - Budget Checking Errors

OU Job Aid - Budget Date

OU Job Aid - Budget Details

OU Job Aid - Budget Revisions

OU Job Aid - Cash Receipts

OU Job Aid - Change Orders

OU Job Aid - Chartfield Spread

OU Job Aid - Cost Transfer Approval

OU Job Aid - Cost Transfer (Budget Entry)

OU Job Aid - Cost Transfer Entry (Non SPNSR Non Payroll)

OU Job Aid - Cost Transfer Entry (Non SPNSR Payroll)

OU Job Aid - Cost Transfer (OU Foundation)

OU Job Aid - Cost Transfer Entry (Sponsor NonPayroll)

OU Job Aid - Cost Transfer Entry (Sponsor Payroll)

OU Job Aid - Common GL Codes for Cost Transfers

OU Job Aid - Credit Memos

OU Job Aid - Department-Generated Invoices

OU Job Aid - Denied Cost Transfers

OU Job Aid - Encumbrances

OU Job Aid - Frequently Used Queries

OU Job Aid - Fiscal Year Renewals

OU Job Aid - Form 3

OU Job Aid - Function Listing

OU Job Aid - Fund Listing

OU Job Aid - GL Chart of Accounts

OU Job Aid - GL Codes - Commonly Used

OU Job Aid - Grant Budget GL Codes

OU Job Aid - Grant Budget GL Categories

OU Job Aid - Honorariums

OU Job Aid - Individual Supplier Form

OU Job Aid - Invoice Conventions Guide

OU Job Aid - Manage Requisitions

OU Job Aid - OU_ACTIVITY Query

OU Job Aid - OnDemand Entry

OU Job Aid - OU_BUD_ORG Query

OU Job Aid - OU Marketplace Requester & Shopper

OU Job Aid - Pcard Default Chartfield Spread

OU Job Aid - Pcard FAQ

OU Job Aid - Pcard Reconciliation

OU Job Aid - Pcard Transaction Search

OU Job Aid - Post Payment Request Form

OU Job Aid - Process Monitor

OU Job Aid - Receiving

OU Job Aid - Report Manager

OU Job Aid - Requisition Closure

OU Job Aid - Requisition Entry

OU Job Aid - Service Unit Request (SUR) - Entry and Reporting

OU Job Aid - Service Unit Request (SUR) - Approver

OU Job Aid - Service Unit Request (SUR) - Processor

OU Job Aid - Supplier Address Update

OU Job Aid - Supplier Lookup

OU Job Aid - Supplier Onboarding

OU Job Aid - Supplier Registration Guide

OU Job Aid - Voucher Deletion

OU Job Aid - Voucher Entry

OU Job Aid - Wire Transfers 

Video - Pcard Reconciliation


Browser Related Marketplace Issues

OU Job Aid - Cookies and Browsers

OU Job Aid - Chrome

OU Job Aid - Edge/Internet Explorer

OU Job Aid - FireFox

OU Job Aid - Mac Computers and Chrome Issues

Introduction to PeopleSoft

Function Listing
Fund Listing
Frequently Used Queries
GL Chart of Accounts

Other Job Aids


eCRT PI Training Video

Research Procedural Guide

SUR Descriptions

SUR Email Rule



Lease Accounting Training

Payroll Training Manuals

Town Hall Presentation and Ask the Expert

Link to Ask the Expert Video on 03.22.2022:


Link to Ask the Expert Video on 06.11.2020:

Link to high quality version of HSC Town Hall:

Link to high quality version of NC Town Hall:

Training Requirements and Roles

Each class taken builds your Roles and Abilities.  For example, if you need to be able to enter cost transfers, payments, and requisitions you will need to enroll in the following classes:

Introduction to PeopleSoft
Cost Transfer
Procure to Pay

Online Class Class Descriptions Roles and Abilities
Introduction to PeopleSoft This training class is designed to present PeopleSoft to the new user on campus.

This class will help educate the participant about PeopleSoft and introduce the concepts and basic navigation. General information about Financials including budgetary control, chartfield spread information, queries, and how to find information on the  Financial Services website will also be included.
Run Queries, Review Budget Details
Cost Transfer Pre-Requisite: Introduction to PeopleSoft Financials

This training class is designed to present information on how to enter a cost transfer for non-payroll transactions and payroll transactions.  
Run Queries, Review Budget Details, Enter Cost Transfers
Approver Pre-Requisite: Introduction to PeopleSoft Financials

The training classes for approval will be broken up by module.  The training classes will go over the approval of Payments, Requisitions, Cost transfers, and Service Unit Requests (OUHSC Campus Only).

You will only be required to review the training videos for which you are requesting access to.
Run Queries, Review Budget Details, Approve Payments, Requisitions, and Cost Transfers.
Procure to Pay

Pre-Requisite: Introduction to PeopleSoft Financials


Procure to to Pay training will review all the different methods in which goods and services are bought and paid for at OU.  During this training users will become familiar with the ordering through OU Marketplace, the process for creating Requisitions, the process for Receiving on Purchase Orders, the process for creating OnDemands for refund payments, how to add or lookup a Supplier as well as the process for Regular Voucher or invoice payments.  Users who successfully complete the training will be eligible for security access for Departmental AP Entry and Departmental Purchasing Entry.

Run Queries, Review Budget Details, Review Suppliers, Enter Payments ,  Enter Requisitions 
Service Unit Request Entry and Reporting

Pre-Requisite: Introduction to PeopleSoft Financials

SUR Entry and Report training will review how to enter new Service Unit Requests. It will go over the basic information that needs to be input for the Service Unit to fulfill the request. You will learn how to attach and when the cutoff is for adding or deleting supporting documentation. It will also review how to search and report on past Service Unit Requests in PDF format.

Enter SUR Requests, Search SUR Requests, Run Reporting. 

Service Unit Request Approver
Pre-Requisite: Introduction to PeopleSoft Financials

SUR Approver training will review how to approve or deny Service Unit Requests. You will learn how to attach and when the cutoff is for adding or deleting supporting documentation. You will also learn how to input Approver Comments and who sees them. 
Approve SUR Requests, Search SUR Requests. 
Service Unit Request Processor Pre-Requisite: Introduction to PeopleSoft Financials

SUR Processor training will review how to find Service Unit Requests. It will go over the process for billing the department with the proper Chart Field Spread once the Service Unit fulfills the request. You will learn how to review supporting documentation, Charge Split cost SURs, communicate through SUR Processor notes, and how to change the SUR Status. Finally, you will learn how to export the monthly billing data to Service Unit Accounting.
Approve SUR Requests at the Service Unit Level, Search SUR Requests, Export Billing information to SUAUX Accounting.

Cash Receipts


The Cash Receipts training class must be completed to provide the information required by the Bursar to post a receipt to the PeopleSoft Financial System.

Participants will learn how to enter the Cash Receipt, the types of deposits, how to verify the deposit has been posted to the system and print the report to save it.

Run Queries, Enter Cash Receipts, Print Cash Receipt Report