

Overpayment Notification Form

This form is to report an employee overpayment to request a net payment due calculation and provide a chartfield for the processing fee. Access here.

Overpayments can occur for many reasons but must be recovered by the University per Oklahoma Statute Section 840-2.19. When an employee is overpaid, the first step for the department will be to determine the source of the overpayment. The department will then submit the Overpayment form to report the gross amount of the overpayment to Payroll Services so that the net amount can be calculated. Payroll Services will notify the department of the amount due, and the department will be responsible for making arrangements with the employee to collect the amount of the overpay.

Accepted payment methods are cash (if dropped off in person), money orders, cashier’s checks, or personal checks. Checks should be made payable to University of Oklahoma HSC and should be mailed to the below address:

OUHSC Payroll Services

P.O. Box 26901

865 Research Pkwy STE 260

Oklahoma City, OK 73126

Overpayments should be repaid within the same year that the overpayment occurs, otherwise the payment must be repaid at gross (see Repayments in IRS Pub 525). Payments must be received by Payroll Services prior to the second week of December to be processed in the current calendar year.

Active employees may choose to have the overpayment withheld from future paychecks not to exceed the term in which the erroneous payments were made and within the same tax year. If multiple payments will be made, an Overpayment Agreement form will be emailed and must be completed prior to any withholding.

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Contact Info

Senior Associate VP & CFO
Front Desk - (405) 271-2376

Accounts Payable

Front Desk - (405) 271-2410 
Travel - (405) 271-2038

Auxiliary/Service Unit Accounting
Front Desk - (405) 271-2246

Budget Office
Front Desk - (405) 271-2404

Bursar's Office
Front Desk - (405) 271-2433

Financial Reporting
Front Desk - (405) 271-2355

General Accounting
Front Desk - (405) 271-2355

Grants and Contracts
Front Desk - (405) 271-2177

Payroll Services
Front Desk - (405) 271-2055

Student Financial Aid
Front Desk - (405) 271-2118