Policies and Procedures

Pre-payment Policy

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


State Statutes and University Policy prohibit prepayment for materials, supplies and/or services rendered. All payments to vendors are to be made only after ordered materials/services have been received and invoiced or complete receipts have been presented for materials/services delivered. Exceptions to this policy are as follows:

  1. Meeting/seminar registration fees see Registration Fee policy.
  2. Memberships/subscriptions. See Membership Dues or Subscriptions policy.
  3. Fees (limited to applications, licensing, processing and/or memberships).

Recognizing there will be circumstances under which this policy could create some difficulties for departments; exceptions, excluding travel related expenses, may be made on a case by case basis. Exception requests should be submitted to Purchasing or Accounts Payable, based on the dollar value and type of purchases according to the Small Dollar Purchasing Guide (See AP Policies & Procedures page for Small Dollar Purchasing Guide). Each particular request, according to circumstances, will be reviewed individually with authorized exception to the pre-payment policy made as deemed necessary.

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Contact Info

Senior Associate VP & CFO
Front Desk - (405) 271-2376

Accounts Payable

Front Desk - (405) 271-2410 
Travel - (405) 271-2038

Auxiliary/Service Unit Accounting
Front Desk - (405) 271-2246

Budget Office
Front Desk - (405) 271-2404

Bursar's Office
Front Desk - (405) 271-2433

Financial Reporting
Front Desk - (405) 271-2355

General Accounting
Front Desk - (405) 271-2355

Grants and Contracts
Front Desk - (405) 271-2177

Payroll Services
Front Desk - (405) 271-2055

Student Financial Aid
Front Desk - (405) 271-2118