About Effort Reporting

What is effort reporting?

Effort reporting is the process by which the salary charged to a sponsored project is certified as being reasonable in relation to the effort expended on that project.

Why do effort reporting?

The federal government requires universities to document salaries charged to sponsored projects are reasonable in relation to the effort expended. Effort reports constitute one of the primary auditable documents to support salary costs on sponsored projects.

Who is required to certify effort?

Principal investigators are required to certify the effort of staff funded by their grants including CO-PI’s.  Lead PIs on large project grants (ex. COBRE) may delegate the certification of CO-PI led projects to the CO-PI for that defined portion of the overall award.

What is a Primary Effort Coordinator (PEC)?

Person assigned to manage a specific department and all projects associated to that department. By default, the PEC is the grant manager for all projects. The PEC can Pre-Review all projects associated to the department.

The Primary Effort Coordinator should be aware of all grant managers in their department. The grant manager should perform all actions on their assigned projects even though the PEC can perform the same actions.

What is a Grant manager (GM)?

Person assigned to manage a specific project or projects. The project(s) will appear on the Assigned Subactivities tab on the Home Page. The Grant Manager can Pre-Review all projects assigned to them.

Contact Us

865 Research Pkwy, Suite 490 Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Phone: (405) 271-2177
Office Hours: 8 AM-5 PM,  Monday-Friday

Who we are: Staff List